The New England REACTer Council Newsletter

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 The New England REACTer

This is the official newsletter of the New England States REACT Council of Teams.
As of 01 January 2008 AD. This page & website is designed to be a proving working page.
Eventually, this page will have news items from all REACT teams in it's coverage area.

As of 01 SEPTEMBER 2008, the council is slated for approval from REACT International's Board of Directors.

The Council President Pro Temp - Joe Nadeau will be in contact with the teams in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and, New Hampshire as to being affiliated with the council.  To date in accordance with REACT International constitution & by-laws, it is required that three REACT teams make up a council in a given jurisdiction. Stay tuned for developing events....

***Prior Newsletters***

As of June 2005, no prior newsletters